ABC Kidz Educare

Children's Rights Policy

List of Children’s Rights that Inform the Practices at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE

  • Article 1 – Everyone under the age of 18 has rights.
  • Article 2 – All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
  • Article 3 – All adults should do what is best for the children. All the decisions made at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE, the first consideration is the children’s well-being.
  • Artcle 5 – A child’s family has the responsibility to help them learn to exercise their rights, and to ensure that those rights are protected. To this end ABC KIDZ EDUCARE is inclusive and strongly encourages parental involvement.
  • Article 6 – Every child has the right to be alive. We have strong Health and Safety and Emergency Preparedness Policies implemented at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE.
  • Article 8 – A child has the right to be protected from kidnapping. Safety and security procedures are detailed in our Emergency Preparedness Policy. No child is allowed off the premises without permissions from his/her parents/guardians.
  • Article 12 – A child has the right to give an opinion, and for adults to take it seriously. Opinions and thoughts are encouraged in our daily activities and language rings.
  • Article 13 – A child has the right to find out things and share what he/she thinks with others, by talking, drawing, and writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends others.
  • Article 14 – A child has the right to choose his/her own You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.
  • Article 15 – A child has the right to choose their own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others. Friendships are highly encouraged at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE.
  • Article 17 – A child has the right to get information that is important to their well-being. The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE constantly share information the information they need with the children.
  • Article 19 – A child has the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in mind or body. We know our children well at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE and keep an eye on their mental and physical health and we communicate with the parents/guardians. We have a zero tolerance policy at our ECD centre.
  • Article 24 – A child has the right to best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help them stay well.
  • Article 28 – All children have the right to a good quality education. At ABC KIDZ EDUCARE our practitioners are qualified and we endeavour to deliver a quality curriculum and excellent care.
  • Article 30 – A child has the right to practice their own culture, language and religion. We are fully inclusive at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE. It should be noted that our language of tuition is English.
  • Article 31 – A child has the right to play and rest. Our curriculum is play-based and encourages child-led play and adult-guided activities. Rest times are encouraged as per our daily routine. If a child comes to school in the mornings and is consistently tired, we will arrange an appointment with the parent/guardian to try and establish if the child is getting sufficient rest.
  • Article 34 – A child has the right to be free from sexual abuse. Every single member of staff at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has provided their fingerprints and been checked through the Crimes Database and Sexual Offenders Register; certificates to this effect have been produced. In addition, we have a strong Anti-Child Abuse and Child Protection Policy implemented, which gives reporting procedures and how to handle any child abuse situation.
  • Aprticle 37 – No one is allowed to punish a child in a cruel or harmful way. We take the greatest care possible of ‘our children’ and harsh, cruel or harmful punishments are never meted out. To do so in our environment is a dismissible offence, and we will not hesitate.
  • Article 39 – A child has the right to help if he/she has been hurt, neglected or badly treated. The children are always helped and, if necessary, we will get involved if we suspect that a child is being neglected or badly treated at home.
  • Artcle 42 – Child have the right to know their rights. The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE all know the Children’s Rights, Responsibilities and Entitlements as shown on the poster at the back of this document. These are the rights and responsibilities we teach to the children.


Policy Statement


  • ABC KIDZ EDUCARE promotes children’s right to be strong, resilient and listened to by:
    • Creating an environment that encourages our children to develop positive self-images. We are inclusive an encourage expliration of their individual heritages arising from their ethnicity, languages spoken at home, religious beliefs, cultural traditions and home backgrounds.
    • We encourage the children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence.
    • Our curriculum and care enables the children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to get help when they are in difficult situations
  • ABC KIDZ EDUCARE helps children to establish and maintain healthy relationships wtih their families, peers, caregivers at the centre, and with other adults.
  • We work with parents to build their understanding of, and commitment to, the principles of safeguarding all our children.




This policy will be implemented and updated by Esme Olyn, Principal.


ABC KIDZ EDUCARE promotes children’s right and entitlement to be ‘strong, resilient and listened to’


  • To be strong:
    • We are involved with ‘our’ families and promote security in the children’s primary relationships, where they are loved and cared for by at least one person who is able to offer consistent, positive and unconditional regard and who can be relied upon.
    • We provide an environment in which the children can feel safe and progress optimally in all their learning and developmental areas.
    • By guiding the schildren to feel self-assured so that they can form a positive sense of themselves – including all aspects of their identity and heritage.
    • By including all children equally.
    • We praise the children in order to encourage theit confidence in their own abilities and to take pride in thier achievements.
    • By making group times part of the routines so that the children form part of their peer group and learn to negotiate, develop social skills and respect the rights of others.


  • To be resilient:
    • By encouraging the children to be sure of their self worth and dignity.
    • We guide the children to be assertive, but not disrespectful, and to be able to state their needs.
    • We (age appropriately) encourage the children to try and overcome small difficulties by themselves.
    • We provide a controlled, safe, fun environment in which children can feel positive.
    • Sometimes things have to change due to circumstances, and when this happens, we support the children so that they learn to cope with change.
    • We encourage the children to be fair towards each other and the develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves and thier peers.
    • Developing a sense of justice towards themselves and others.


  • To be listened to:
    • The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE recognise children’s need and the right to express and communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas.
    • Our staff are trained and experienced and they are able to tune into the children’s verbal, sign (gestures) and body language in order to interpret what is being communicated and meet the needs.
    • Our staff are all aware of, and respect, childrens rights and responsiblitites. We actively and enthusiastially advocate for children’s rights.


  • Article 1 – Everyone under the age of 18 has rights.


  • Article 2 – All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
  • Article 3 – All adults should do what is best for the children. All the decisions made at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE, the first consideration is the children’s well-being.
  • Artcle 5 – A child’s family has the responsibility to help them learn to exercise their rights, and to ensure that those rights are protected. To this end ABC KIDZ EDUCARE is inclusive and strongly encourages parental involvement.
  • Article 6 – Every child has the right to be alive. We have strong Health and Safety and Emergency Preparedness Policies implemented at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE.
  • Article 8 – A child has the right to be protected from kidnapping. Safety and security procedures are detailed in our Emergency Preparedness Policy. No child is allowed off the premises without permissions from his/her parents/guardians.
  • Article 12 – A child has the right to give an opinion, and for adults to take it seriously. Opinions and thoughts are encouraged in our daily activities and language rings.
  • Article 13 – A child has the right to find out things and share what he/she thinks with others, by talking, drawing, and writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends others.
  • Article 14 – A child has the right to choose his/her own You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.
  • Article 15 – A child has the right to choose their own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others. Friendships are highly encouraged at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE.
  • Article 17 – A child has the right to get information that is important to their well-being. The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE constantly share information the information they need with the children.
  • Article 19 – A child has the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in mind or body. We know our children well at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE and keep an eye on their mental and physical health and we communicate with the parents/guardians. We have a zero tolerance policy at our ECD centre.
  • Article 24 – A child has the right to best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help them stay well.
  • Article 28 – All children have the right to a good quality education. At ABC KIDZ EDUCARE our practitioners are qualified and we endeavour to deliver a quality curriculum and excellent care.
  • Article 30 – A child has the right to practice their own culture, language and religion. We are fully inclusive at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE. It should be noted that our language of tuition is English.
  • Article 31 – A child has the right to play and rest. Our curriculum is play-based and encourages child-led play and adult-guided activities. Rest times are encouraged as per our daily routine. If a child comes to school in the mornings and is consistently tired, we will arrange an appointment with the parent/guardian to try and establish if the child is getting sufficient rest.
  • Article 34 – A child has the right to be free from sexual abuse. Every single member of staff at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has provided their fingerprints and been checked through the Crimes Database and Sexual Offenders Register; certificates to this effect have been produced. In addition, we have a strong Anti-Child Abuse and Child Protection Policy implemented, which gives reporting procedures and how to handle any child abuse situation.
  • Aprticle 37 – No one is allowed to punish a child in a cruel or harmful way. We take the greatest care possible of ‘our children’ and harsh, cruel or harmful punishments are never meted out. To do so in our environment is a dismissible offence, and we will not hesitate.
  • Article 39 – A child has the right to help if he/she has been hurt, neglected or badly treated. The children are always helped and, if necessary, we will get involved if we suspect that a child is being neglected or badly treated at home.
  • Artcle 42 – Child have the right to know their rights. The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE all know the Children’s Rights, Responsibilities and Entitlements as shown on the poster at the back of this document. These are the rights and responsibilities we teach to the children.


Policy Statement


  • ABC KIDZ EDUCARE promotes children’s right to be strong, resilient and listened to by:
    • Creating an environment that encourages our children to develop positive self-images. We are inclusive an encourage expliration of their individual heritages arising from their ethnicity, languages spoken at home, religious beliefs, cultural traditions and home backgrounds.
    • We encourage the children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence.
    • Our curriculum and care enables the children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to get help when they are in difficult situations
  • ABC KIDZ EDUCARE helps children to establish and maintain healthy relationships wtih their families, peers, caregivers at the centre, and with other adults.
  • We work with parents to build their understanding of, and commitment to, the principles of safeguarding all our children.




This policy will be implemented and updated by Esme Olyn, Principal.


ABC KIDZ EDUCARE promotes children’s right and entitlement to be ‘strong, resilient and listened to’


  • To be strong:
    • We are involved with ‘our’ families and promote security in the children’s primary relationships, where they are loved and cared for by at least one person who is able to offer consistent, positive and unconditional regard and who can be relied upon.
    • We provide an environment in which the children can feel safe and progress optimally in all their learning and developmental areas.
    • By guiding the schildren to feel self-assured so that they can form a positive sense of themselves – including all aspects of their identity and heritage.
    • By including all children equally.
    • We praise the children in order to encourage theit confidence in their own abilities and to take pride in thier achievements.
    • By making group times part of the routines so that the children form part of their peer group and learn to negotiate, develop social skills and respect the rights of others.


  • To be resilient:
    • By encouraging the children to be sure of their self worth and dignity.
    • We guide the children to be assertive, but not disrespectful, and to be able to state their needs.
    • We (age appropriately) encourage the children to try and overcome small difficulties by themselves.
    • We provide a controlled, safe, fun environment in which children can feel positive.
    • Sometimes things have to change due to circumstances, and when this happens, we support the children so that they learn to cope with change.
    • We encourage the children to be fair towards each other and the develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves and thier peers.
    • Developing a sense of justice towards themselves and others.


  • To be listened to:
    • The adults at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE recognise children’s need and the right to express and communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas.
    • Our staff are trained and experienced and they are able to tune into the children’s verbal, sign (gestures) and body language in order to interpret what is being communicated and meet the needs.
    • Our staff are all aware of, and respect, childrens rights and responsiblitites. We actively and enthusiastially advocate for children’s rights.


This policy was adopted on 03 January 2020. At Braamfontein, and is in full force and effect at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE. Where necessary all the parents have been informed of this policy. All our employees have a good understanding of the contents of this policy and if at any time any of the clauses in this policy are contravened, normal disciplinary sanctions, as per the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, will be taken.

The aim of ABC Kidz is to make our ECD center accessible to, and inclusive of, all children and families from all sectors of the local community through open and fair practices.

Cognizance is taken that we have to earn enough money to pay the salaries, and all other ECD center expenses as well as continuing to maintain and even improve the facilities. Therefore, ABC KIDZ EDUCARE charge parents fees for their child/children to attend this ECD center.

We deliver a high-quality, play based ECD (Early Childhood Development) programme in a classroom setting that encourages learning,and provides a safe and nurturing, high quality and affordable ECD environment. We actively nurture, support, educate and encourage children in their early years which ultimately ensures that each child is able to grow and develop at their own pace. 


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