ABC Kidz Educare

ABC Kidz Health & Safety Policy

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AIDS = Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome

CSG = Child Support Grant

DoH = Department of Health

DSD = Department of Social Development

EMS = Emergency Management Services

HBV = Hepatitis B Virus

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus

WHO = World Health Organisation

Policy Statement

  1. ABC Kidz Educare is a ‘Health Promoting ECD Centre’ and we actively advocate childrens’ rights to health and safety. This policy was formulated on that premise.
  2. This policy:
    1. Is underpinned by:
      1. The Department of Health’s ECD Centre Health Policy Implementation Guidelines, 2011 and the National Health Norms and Standards;
      2. Protection of Children and Children`s Rights Legislation;
  • Children`s Act (Act No.38 of 2005);
  1. Constitution of South Africa (Act No. 108 of 1996);
  2. Children’s Rights;
  3. The National Health Act (Act No. 63 of 2003);
  • White Paper 6 : Special Needs and Inclusive Education;
  • Draft Policy on Nutrition in Early Childhood Development Centres.
  1. It provides for a comprehensive ECD Centre health programme allows children access to health promotion and education during their early years of learning.
  2. It allows for the identification of potential barriers to learning and thus maximizes children‘s learning potential.
  3. This is an integrated child care approach that aims at improving key practicesat the ECD centre that are likely to have the greatest impact on child growth and development.
  1. The children spend most of their waking hours with us. Therefore, they are a captive audience for age-appropriate health education and interventions that will influence their health status and practices for the rest of thier lives. Our ECD centre health programme ensures that we are able to capitalize on this invaluable opportunity for the healthy development of children and the communities in which they live.
  2. Based on the World Heath Organisation’s description of an ECD Centre health programme, our Health and Safety Policy is a combination of procedures that contribute ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the children so as to maximize their learning capabilities. It directly targets all children attending thi sECD centre and includes our entire ECD centre community i.e. staff, parents and children.
  3. The promotion of health in our environment is non-negotiable. Ill children may simply not come to the ECD centre. There is more detail on this in the body of this document.
  4. This policy document esnures that our staff know exactly the processes they must participate in to ensure their own health and safety, as well as that of the children and parents.



This policy will be implemented and updated by Esme Olyn, Principal and Wilna Terblanche ECD Nursing sister.



  1. ‘Creche Syndrome’ is a very real threat in ECD Centres, and the goal of this policy is to contribute to the improvement of the general state of health of the children and staff of ABC KIDZ EDUCARE, the health of the environment and address barriers to learning.
  2. To provide a safe, secure, happy environment in which young children can receive quality early development.
  3. For ABC KIDZ EDUCARE to be a supportive environment for the development of healthy attitudes and practices in children.



ABC KIDZ EDUCARE’s Responsibilities

  1. To provide and maintain a hygienic, hazard-free environment in which children can thrive and grow in safety and good health.
  2. This Health and Safety Policy details our responsibilities.
  3. Through on-going professional development and in-house workshops to capacitate our staff to:
    1. Improve their own health and safety and influence the healthy development of others.
    2. Identify barriers to learning early.
    3. To adequately care for children with disabilities, and effectively facilitate their early development.
  4. To provide the resources and administrative support to implement this policy.
  5. To encourage the staff to undergo regular medical checks.


Parents’ Responsibilities

  1. To cooperate with ABC KIDZ EDUCARE in all ways so as to ensure a safe hazard-free environment in which their young children can thrive and develop.
  2. To keep ABC KIDZ EDUCARE informed of all allergies, food restrictions and medical conditions, whether temporary or chronic.



  1. Administrative systems, policies and procedures are in place to ensure the efficient management of the ABC KIDZ EDUCARE and our activities.
  2. The privacy of families and children is respected and protected.
  3. Our admission policy, this Health and Safety Policy and our HIV and AIDS Policy provide for the children and staff who are affected or infected by HIV and AIDS.
  4. All our policies and procedures are available to the parents.


Record Keeping

The following records are kept on the staff and children:

  1. Enrolment forms and contracts, including:
    1. Each child’s medical history;
    2. Information on the child’s general state of health;
    3. Any communicable diseases the child has or has had;
    4. Allergies and food restrictions;
    5. Diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, etc that the teachers need to know about;
    6. Name and contact details of the family doctor;
    7. Up-to-date Road To Health booklet or Immunisatoin Card, including Vitamin A shots, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis and HIB (Haemophilus Influenza Type B);
  2. Employment forms and contracts;
  3. Emergency Medical Forms for both staff and children;
  4. Admissions Regiser;
  5. Staff and Children Attendance Registers;
  6. Accident/Incident Reporting Forms;
  7. Medication Administration Control Sheet;
  8. Special needs or disabilities;
  9. Indemnity Forms;
  10. Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Evacuation Policy and all related forms, including regular risk assessments and equipment inspections.


Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. The premises at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE are monitored and evaluated continuously through a series of checklists and report back from the practioners.
  2. The children are monitored and evaluated through our observation, assessment and reporting process:
    1. Daily observations are made;
    2. The observations inform the assessments which are conducted monthly;
    3. The assessments inform the reports which are produced and distributed to the parents quarterly.


Active Learning

  1. We use the Birth to 4 Years Curriculum which is play based.
  2. The children are provided with appropriate developmental opportunities and effective programmes to help them to develop their full potential.
  3. The children are cared for constructively and we endeavour to give them continuity, support and security to development positive social behaviour.
  4. The culture, spirit, dignity, individuality, language and development of each child is respected and nurtured.
  5. Our Daily Routine and lesson plans include lots healthy outdoor play and carefully planned activitiesm for example:
    1. Physical activities for large and small muscle development;
    2. Creative activities using diff erent natural and other materials;
    3. Talking and listening activities with other children and with adults;
    4. Challenging and exciting activities to develop intellectual abilities;
    5. Opportunities for imaginative play;
    6. Opportunities for rest and quiet play.


Children’s Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Children’s Rights and Responsibilities play an important role in the health and safety of South African children’s lives. At ABC KIDZ EDUCARE we agree that all children should have and/or receive:
  2. Adequate nutrition and health care;
  3. Appropriate immunisations;
  4. An adult with whom to form an attachment;
  5. An adult who can understand and respond to their signals;
  6. Things to look at, touch, hear, smell, taste;
  7. Opportunities to explore their world;
  8. Appropriate language stimulation;
  9. Support in acquiring new motor, language and thinking skills;
  10. A chance to develop some independence;
  11. Help in learning how to control their own behaviour;
  12. Opportunities to begin to learn to care for themselves;
  13. Daily opportunities to play with a variety of objects;
  14. Opportunities to develop fi ne motor skills;
  15. Encouragement of language through talking, being read to, singing;
  16. Activities that will develop a sense of mastery;
  17. Experimentation with pre-writing and pre-reading skills;
  18. Hands-on exploration for learning through action;
  19. Opportunities for taking responsibility and making choices;
  20. Encouragement to develop self-control, cooperation and persistence in completing projects;
  21. Support for their sense of self worth;
  22. Opportunities for self-expression;
  23. Encouragement of creativity.


Rights of Children With Disabilities

  1. Have a right to inclusion, integration and mainstream facilities and services;
  2. Have a right to a normal environment;
  3. Have a right to all other benefi ts enjoyed by their non-disabled counterparts and siblings;
  4. Have a right to family, social and community life;
  5. Have a right to sports and recreation;
  6. Have a right to an accessible environment;
  7. Have a right to develop independence and self-reliance;
  8. Have rights to special needs and attention;
  9. Have a right to be different;
  10. Children who are deaf have a right to sign language;
  11. Have rights to devices that assist them when they need them;
  12. Have a right to appropriate active learning that is suitable for their abilities without them being isolated.


Human Resources and Training

  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE employs a qualified nursing sister to assist with the medical aspect of the ECD centre.
  2. Best practice is important in a Health and Safety programme, therefore ABC KIDZ EDUCARE only employs ECD Practitioners have undergone NQF Level 4
  3. We select our staff carefully, looking for certain qualities: They msut show us that they:
    1. Have a real interest in young children and enjoy working with them;
    2. Know and understand how children develop;
    3. Are healthy enough to be physically and mentally capable of meeting all the demands made when caring for children;
    4. Are patient with all children and can set appropriate limits to behaviour;
    5. Will help provide a safe and stimulating environment and programme for the children;
    6. Will get along well with other staff and families of the children – this is particularly important as we attempt to keep staff turnover to a minimum;
    7. Value each child with respect to race, gender, religion, culture, language and ability.
  4. Our Teaching Assistants have either attained their NQF Level 3, or are in the process.
  5. As per the National Health Norms and Standards our staff also participate in professional development in the following:
    1. First Aid;
    2. CPR;
    3. Fire Marshalling and Monitoring.
  6. As per DSD’s Guidelines for ECD Services the following training forms part of our staff Professional Development Plan:
    1. Working with children with HIV or AIDS;
    2. Recognition of the early signs of child abuse and how to handle the situation and protect the children;
    3. Early identification of barriers to learning;
    4. Recognition of common children’s illnesses;
    5. Management of programmes and facilities for young children.
  7. The staff ratios at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE are:
    1. Birth to 12 months old –           1 x practitioner to every six 3 children
    2. One to Two years old –           1 x practitioner to every 5 children;
    3. Two to Three years old –           1 x practitioner to every 9 children:
    4. Three to Four Years old –           1 x practitioner to every 9 children
    5. Every age cohort has one class practioner, One assistant practioner and two care workers


Municipal and Provincial Registration

  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has obtained/is in the process of obtaining the following licences and permits from ……. Municipality:
    1. Public Health (DoH) – Obtained
    2. Fire Clearance (EMS) – Obtained
    3. Acceptability (Doh) – Obtained
    4. Registration Of A Partial Care In process
    5. Registration Of An ECD Programme (DSD) – In Process
  2. The permits and certificates can be viewed at:
    1. In the office
    2. In the Play area
    3. Also see Appendices 1 – 5 of this document.


Nutritional Status and Nutrition at ECD centre

Nutritional Status

  1. As part of our quarterly assessment and daily observation procedures we take note of the following:
    1. Underweight (weight for age);
    2. Stunting (height for age);
    3. Wasting (weight for height);
    4. overweight and obesity.
  2. We actively engage with the child’s parents if any of these conditions arise.


Nutrition at ECD centre

The children spend most of their waking hours with us at the ECD centre, therefore their nutrition is an important responsibility.

  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE is open for more than eight hours per day, therefore, we provide the following meals, snacks and appropriate beverages:
    1. Breakfast;
    2. Mid-morning snack;
    3. Lunch;
    4. After nap snack;
    5. Late afternoon snack.
  2. Our menus were developed with the assistance of ……………..
    1. All our meals and snacks meet a portion of the RDA for age of the children.
    2. Our menus can be viewed in:
      1. The entrance;
      2. The kitchen;
  • The office;
  1. The classrooms.
  1. The meals at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE are nutritious, well-balanced, tasty and home cooked .
  2. The children are supervised during meal times and every effort is made for it to be a relaxed environment, condusive to encouraging good appetites.
  3. Safe drinking water is always avilable.
  4. Meals and snacks are served as specified times, however, babies are fed on demans.
  5. Our full Nutrition Policy can be viewed at:
    1. ………………..
    2. ……………….


Feeding the Babies

  1. DSD actively promotes cup feeding rather than bottle feeding.
  2. We accommodate breast-fed, cup-fed and bottle-fed babies.
  3. We also accommodate breast-fed babies. The mothers express the milk and bring it to the ECD centre in sterilised bottles where it is stored in the milk fridge in the nursery until the child concerned drinks it.
  4. For formula-fed babies the parents bring pre-measured formula to the ECD centre and a sufficient amount of sterilised, clean bottles.
  5. A note is made of how much the baby drank and when in the Babies Food Register.
  6. When the baby has completed his/her meal any remaining milk is thrown away and the bottle is washed and placed in the child’s bag.


Social Security

ABC KIDZ EDUCARE is registered with DSD is an independent non-funded Early Childhood Development Centre and does not access CSG.

ECD Centre Attendance


  1. Absent children must be recorded on the Children’s Daily Attendance Register.
  2. Parents notify us when a child will be absent, either telephonically or by email.
  3. When a child has been absent from ECD centre for two days and the parents have not contacted us to report the absence, contact will be made with the parents to establish the reason for the child’s non-attendance.
  4. Upon receiving word of a child’s absence the Daily Attendance Register will be updated.



  1. Absent staff must be recorded on the Staff Daily Attendance Register.
  2. Staff Sick Leave is strictly monitored according to the Basic Labour Conditions.
  3. When a member of staff has been ill, they are to:
    1. Provide a doctor’s note if they have been ill for two consecutive days.
    2. Fill in a Sick Leave Application Form.
    3. The Principal/Office Manager will update the staff member’s Leave Tracker spreadsheet with the information.



  1. Transport is not provided to and from ECD Centre. Regardless of whether (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE) does the transporting or not, we insist that the following rules from the Provincial Traffic Department are adhered to:
    1. In addition to the driver, there must be at least one other adult in the vehicle with the children;
    2. The vehicle has to be fitted with child locks;
    3. Every child has to have a car or booster seat;
    4. The driver must remain in the driving seat of the vehicle and may not assist in handing over the children. The second or third adults in the vehicle hand the children over to the ECD centre;
    5. No children may be transported in the front passenger seat of the vehicle;
    6. The driver of the vehicle must be in possession of a special licence to transport passengers;
    7. The seating space for each child and the room for carrycots must comply with the prescribed requirements especially proper safety seating, including for children with disabilities.


Health related factors

The Principal conducts hygiene and cleanliness inspections daily, as per our Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Maintenance/Cleanliness Checklists.

Accident/Incident Reporting

  1. All accidents or injuries are logged. At (ABC Kidz Educare we use two forms for this purpose:
    1. Accidents/Injuries That Happened at Home
    2. Accidents/Injuries That Happened At ECD Centre.
  2. A file containing completed Incident/Accident forms is kept in the office and will be made available to teachers when requested.
  3. In addition,regardless of what the injury is, from a small scratch all the way through, the parents must be phoned and told of the accident/injutry and what action/remedy/first aid has been applied.
  4. When an accident or injury takes place, a trained member of staff must immediately establish the seriousness of the injury, before moving the child.
  5. Depending on the severity of the injury, do the following:
    1. Check the child’s breathing and pulse. Apply CPR if necessary.
    2. If the child can be moved, make him/her comfortable.
    3. If an ambulance and paramedic are needed press any one of the secuity buttons which are located in:
      1. The kitchen;
      2. The office;
  • Sickbay;
  1. All the classrooms.
  1. In the event the security buttons do not work, dial 10111 or …………………….
  • If an ambulance is not available, drive the child to the hospital/doctor yourself, with another adult who will take care of the child while you drive. The parents have all signed consent for this to happen in the Admissions Contract. They have also provided medical aid details.
  1. a minor injury, move the child to the sick room and apply the relevant first aid.



Allergies are serious, sometimes deadly. Our allergy processes are:

  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE is a nut-free zone. Nuts and seeds of all descriptions are not allowed on the premises. We do use certain products that come from factories where nuts are processed (e.g. manufacturing of cereals, etc). We closely monitor children with nut and seed allergies.
  2. Parents inform the ECD centre of their child’s allergies by noting them on the Enrolment Application Form.
  3. Allergies are recorded on the Allergy and Food Restrictions List. The list is posted in these places:
    1. The kitchen;
    2. Sickbay;
    3. Every classroom;
    4. The office.
  4. Where possible we will provide alternative food and beverages. However, we will ask the parents to supply certain foodstuffs and beverages when necessary.



  1. The use of alcohol is strictly prohibited at (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE), whether inside or outdoors, regardless of whether the children are present or not.
  2. During certain ECD centre events, alcohol may be served, provided the children are not present.



  1. No animals or pets are allowed at the ECD centre unless pre-arranged and part of the weekly theme, such as visits from the petting zoo, farm animals, reptiles or birds.



  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has a strict cleaning routine.
    1. Toilet cleaning is outlined in some detail in this document.
    2. During the course of the day, after activities, the classrooms are swept and neatened.
    3. In the afternoons the entire ECD centre is thoroughly cleaned and each classroom set up for the morning.
    4. We use good quality cleaning fluids and materials which are safely stored away from the children.



  1. The use of all forms of recreational drugs is strictly prohibited at (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE), whether inside or outdoors, regardless of whether the children are present or not.
  2. If a member of staff or child is prescribed brain altering drugs, i.e. Ritalin, anti-depressants, tranquilisers – this information must be given to Management. The medications must only be brought to the ECD centre if necessary. In this case, the meds are to be securely locked up, far away from the childrens’ reach.


First Aid

  1. Certain key members of staff are trained in Level 1 First Aid and CPR.
  2. At all times there is a trained adult on the premises who can react quickly and fast in the event of an injury.
  3. A full First Aid kit is kept safely out of reach of the children in the sickbay.
  4. Mini-First Aid kits are available in every classroom, also kept safety out of reach of the children.
  5. The First Aid kits are always kept fully stocked, neat and tidy.
  6. Contents of the First Aid kits:
    1. The list of emergency numbers is stuck inside the lid of first aid box;
    2. 2 x pairs Latex Gloves/supply of plastic bags to cover the hands;
    3. 1 x pair of household gloves For cleaning after blood spills;
    4. 1 x small plastic bowl to hold water and Savlon;
    5. 1 x 50 ml Savlon;
    6. 1 x 100 ml household bleach (to dilute with 10 litres of water for blood spills);
    7. 1 x packet gauze swabs;
    8. 1 x roll cotton wool;
    9. 20 x Waterproof plasters;
    10. Safety pins;
    11. 1 x roll Micropore/cellotape;
    12. 1 x 75 mm bandage;
    13. 1 x One-way resuscitator;
    14. Plastic bags (for refuse disposal);
    15. 1 x Scissors;
    16. 1 x Tweezers;
    17. Tissues;
    18. 1 x 1 litre container (to make electrolite solution for rehydration).


Hand Washing and HBV

HBV is entirely preventable through regular hand washing and cleaning of toilets. Both activities are highly encouraged, even insisted upon, at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE.

  1. Sufficent basins, towels and soap are available for the children and staff to wash their hands often.
  2. Hands are washed:
    1. Between each nappy change or toiletting.
    2. After providing any first aid treatments (even though the member of staff will have worn gloves).
    3. Before meals.
    4. Before preparing or serving food.



  1. Our full HIV and AIDS Policy can be viewed at:
    1. ………………..
    2. ……………….


Summary of HIV and AIDS Policy and HBV

  1. It’s policy for the universal precautions to be used at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE. These precautions are detailed in the actual policy.
  2. HIV is a serious infection but can be prevented. In the childcare setting, blood is the most likely cause of the spread of HIV. Our protective measures, therefore, focus on preventing exposure to blood.
    1. All blood or body fluids containing blood are treated as though as infected with HIV or HBV.
  3. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is also a serious infection but can be prevented by washing hands and keeping toilets clean.
    1. Thorough hand washing with soap and water is the simplest most eff ective precaution and should be done by caregivers and children.
    2. Intact healthy skin is the best defence against infection. Open sores, skin lesions and broken skin must be covered with waterproof dressings until healed.
  4. Caregivers must use latex gloves or plastics packets to cover hands when contact with blood is a possibility, e.g. dealing with bleeding injuries, open sores, skin lesions, broken skin, cleaning up blood spills or handling of blood soiled items.
  5. Gloves, plastic packets and absorbent paper easily accessible when required, but out of reach of children.
  6. Children from a very young age are taught never to touch other people’s blood or body fluids.
  7. When it’s age appropriate, children are trained to manage their own bleeding e.g. nosebleeds and minor cuts and grazes.
  8. Attendance Registers and Incident Books are accurately maintained.
  9. nfection Control Measures are applied to prevent the spread of infections, diseases and conditions viz. diarrhoea, nits and lice.
  10. Bleeding:
    1. Bleeding gets immediate attention
    2. Pressure is applied to the wound avoiding direct contact with blood. When possible, the injured child should apply pressure to her own wound).
    3. Caregivers must use gloves or plastic packets as a barrier against blood.
    4. In order to skeep the blood spill in on area, the injured person, until the bleeding is controlled.
    5. Grazes and small cuts are briefly held under running water and cleaned with cotton wool and disinfectant, dried and covered with waterproof dressing.
    6. Hands are washed immediately after any contact with blood. Hands are also washed after gloves are removed. GLOVES DO NOT SERVE AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR HAND WASHING.
    7. If blood splashes onto mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth), it is flushed immediately with running water for at least three minutes
  11. Blood Spill:
    1. The children are separated from the person bleeding and from blood spills
    2. Gloves or plastic packets are worn when cleaning up the blood spills to prevent skin/blood contact.
    3. Spilt blood is soaked up with absorbent material e.g. paper, dry soil or sawdust.
    4. Used paper, dry soil or sawdust and used gloves are carefully placed in double plastic bags, tied securely and thrown away into the rubbish bin.
    5. Wash hands immediately afterwards.
    6. The blood stained area is sprayed with a disinfectant solution (household bleach one part to nine parts of water which is made up daily), and followed with normal cleaning.
  12. Bloodstained Items:
    1. Gloves or plastic packets are worn when handling bloodstained items such as clothing, linen, carpets etc.
    2. As much blood as possible is removed using absorbent paper or tissues.
    3. Rinse or mop with cold water to remove the bloodstain.
    4. The mop is cleanded using the disinfectant solution and dry in the sun.
    5. Clothing and/or linen is placed into a plastic bag and returned to child’s home for washing.
    6. Carpets must be sponged with hot soapy water, rinsed and allowed to dry in the sun if possible.
    7. All disposable cleaning material (e.g. paper, tissue) and gloves are placed in double plastic bag, tied securely and thrown into the bin.
    8. Wash hands immediately afterwards.
    9. Used sanitary towels must be placed in double plastic bags, tied securely and disposed into a lidded refuse bin for collection.


Hearing, vision, oral health and speech impairments

Hearing and vision impairment are significant barriers to a child’s learning and development and we monitor this.

Hearing and Sight

  1. Hearing and sight screenings are conducted in-house annually, usually by the Audiology Department at ………. University, or by ……………………
    1. A report is produced and distributed to the parents.
    2. The report is not a diagnosis but rather a confirmation that all is well, or gives an alert to a possible issue and asks for the child to see a professional.
    3. There is a charge for this service which will be added to the fee invoices.
      1. The office will pay the service provider on behalf of the parents.
    4. Alternately, parents may give the money to the child’s teacher. The teacher will record receipt of the funds on the Classroom Money Register. He/she hands the register and the cash to the office.
    5. The service provider will issue a receipt for every parent who paid for the service.
    6. The receipts will be distributed to the parents by the office.


Speech Impairment

  1. The teachers at (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE) are qualified ED practitioners (NQF L4 – L7), they are not Speech Therapists.
  2. However, as part of our Daily Lesson plan we have our Sound Development Milestones programme we will soon be alerted when a child is experiencing a delay. The procedure is:
    1. Teacher alerts the Principal.
    2. Principal observes the child for a short period.
    3. Principal and/or Teacher meet with the parents and refer them to a professional.


Oral Health

  1. Our oral health strategy aims at promoting health teeth growth, and reduce dental caries and gum diseases amongst our children by instituting oral health preventative services in the form of a tooth brushing programmes.
    1. Parents bring toothbrushes, plastic mugs and a small tube of appropriate toothepaste to the ECD centre. Everything must be marked with the child’s name.


  1. After lunch, before nap time the children all brush their teeth.
  1. Once a year we invite ……………. to present their educational show on oral health.


General Hygiene

  1. All toys and equipment are cleaned and sanitised on a weekly basis.
  2. Cleaning equipment is disinfected on a daily basis. This includes: brooms, mops, cloths,dusters, dish cloths, buckets, etc.
  3. Linen and blankets are washed and replaced weekly, or whenever necessary.
  4. Mattresses and beds are wiped down and disinfected weekly.
  5. Towels and facecloths are washed and replaced on a daily basis.
  6. The dustbins at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE are sealable and emptied every day.
  7. All the windows are cleaned monthly.
  8. Doors and frames are cleaned monthly.
  9. Vomiting is to be cleaned up immediately.
  10. Meals: the children eat their meals and snacks while seated at table. We promote good manners and enourage the children to eat all their food. Our full metodology regarding food can be seen in our Nutrition Policy.
  11. Babies are fed in high chairs or their seats.
  12. All meals are supervised.
  13. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE provides tissues and toilet paper for all children and employers at the ECD Centre. Parents provide wet wipes daily.
  14. All members of staff are issued is disposable gloves to use when necessary, e.g. treating wounds, toilet routines, general cleaning, nappy changes, and so on.
  15. Every classroom has it’s own mini-First Aid kit. A full First Aid kit is kept in the sickbay.



  1. As per Clause 3.10.(c), on page 19 of the National Health Norms and Standards, we only admit children who have been immunised.
  2. A copy of each child’s Road to Health booklet or clinic card is kept on file. An updated copy is provided by the parents when a child receives an immunisation.
  3. We participate in the immunisation campaigns launched by DoH.
  4. At times DoH have Vitamin A and immunisation campaigns which take place at the ECD centre. Parents sign consent before an immunsation is administered by the clinic Sister.



ECD centres could be called ‘catchment areas’ for illness causing pathogens. The hygiene and cleaning practices at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE  keep bacteria’s to a minimum. Viruses, however, are air borne and more difficult to control. The rules are:

  1. Ill children may not come to the ECD centre.
  2. Children who are ill may not be brought to the ECD centre especially under the following conditions:
    1. Within 12 hours of a high temperature;
    2. Withing 48 hours of going onto an anto-biotic;
    3. Any mucous in or on the eyes;
    4. Yellow, green or brown noses;
    5. Colds and flus;
    6. Spots of any description;
    7. Ringworm and Impetigo;
    8. Head lice – a clinic or doctor’s letter is required before the child may return to the ECD centre.
    9. Draining ears;
    10. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease;
    11. Sore throats, tonsillitis and coughs;
    12. High temperatures;
    13. Diahorrea and vomiting;
    14. Pink eye or conjunctavitis;
    15. Within 12 hours of a high temperature;
    16. Within 48 hours of going onto an antibiotic;
    17. Spots and rashes, ringworm and impetigo;
    18. Sore throats, especially tonsillitis;
    19. Infected eyes.
    20. Any runny tummy or vomiting.
    21. Yellow, green or brown noses.
    22. Weeping ears;
    23. Lice – a clinic or doctor’s certificate is required before the child may return to the ECD centre.
  3. Eczema is not contageous and neither is an ear infection. However, ear infections cause children to have high temperatures and feel sick. In addition, a middle ear infection causes children to lose their balance. Children who are sick belong at home and, therefore, ear infections may not come to the ECD centre.
  4. In the case of contagious diseases – a child with a contagious disease may not attend the ECD centre and can only return with a note from the doctor or clinic indicating that the child is free from the contagious disease.
  5. When a child becomes ill at the ECD centre, the parents are notified to collect the child within 60 minutes.
  6. During this time we will do everything possiblet to keep the child’s temperature in check.
  7. The child will be removed from the other children in case the illness is In the case of a child becoming ill at the ECD centre, the parents will be notified and expected to pick up the child within 60 minutes.
  8. The ill child will rest in the sickbay, situated ……….., and the Office Manager/ECD centre Nurse will closely monitor the child so that he/she does not get upset at being left alone, or possibly frightened.
  9. When a child is absent the parent informs the office and the office will inform the teacher.
  10. In the case of major illnesses for the sake of the child’s health and safety, as well as the ECD centre’s well-being, the parents are obliged to inform the Principal who will keep the information confidential.
    1. Certain illnesses must be law by reported to the Department of Health, i.e. measles, meningitis and TB.


The Kitchen

  1. The full kitchen procedure can be found in our Nutrition Policy.
  2. In terms of health and safety, our kitchen:
    1. Is spotlessly clean and safe;
    2. Has adequate washing up facilities and clean, drinkable water;
    3. Has hand washing facilities for staff members;
    4. Has adequate storage space;
    5. Has adequate lighting and ventilation;
    6. Has refrigeration and freezer appliances;
    7. Has dishwashing appliances;
    8. Has a gas/electric stove;
    9. Has safe storage where cleaning agents, kept in their original containers, are out of reach of the children.



  1. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE does not serve processed meat products of any despription.
  2. The meals are cooked at temperatures above 75 deg.
  3. Food is refrigerated and frozen at the correct temperatures.
  4. The kitchen is kept spotless.
  5. All fruit and vegetables are thoroughly washed before being eaten and/or cooked.


Medication Administration

  1. Medication will be administered at the ECD centre provided that it was prescribed by a physician.
  2. Parents are requested to ask their doctor to prescribe medications that are administered once, or possibly twice, a day and can be done at home.
  3. Homeopathic medications that need to be administered multiple times during the day cannot be administered at the ECD centre as it takes the staff’s attention away from the children.
  4. In the mornings the parent takes the medication to sickbay, fills in the Medication Administration Control Sheet in full stating dosages and times, and signs it.
  5. Medications may not be placed in the children’s ECD Centre bags by either the parents or the staff.
  6. The meds are signed out again when the child is collected from ECD Centre, and signed in again the next morning.
  7. The medications are kept locked up in the sickbay.
  8. Medications are administered by the ECD Centre nurse / the child’s class teacher / a specific person at the ECD centre.
  9. The person who administered the medications will sign it off on the Medication Administration Control Sheet.
  10. Panado/Calpol is kept at the ECD centre. In the event a child spikes a temperature we will administer the meds, but only after having received verbal permission first, followed up by written permission in an email or SMS/WhatsApp message.
  11. If a child is on long-term medication, e.g. asthma pump, the parents gives to the ECD centre a letter indemnifying the ECD Centre, management, the staff and everybody at the ECD centre from any reaction the child might have to the medication.
  12. If a child has allergies and an anti-histamine or Epinephrin auto-injector is kept at the ECD centre, the parent signs the Medication Administration Control Sheet every day.
  13. We will keep an eye on the expiry date of the anti-histamine medication and inform the parents when a new one is needed.
  14. Without the Medication Administration Control Sheet having been properly filled out and signed, no medication will be administered to that child. Instruction will not be taken over the telephone.


Nappy Changes and Toilet Training

  1. The changing area is thoroughly cleaned after the nappy changing times in the daily routine.
    1. The surfaces are wiped down it an anti-bacterial cleaner.
    2. Soiled nappies are removed from the premises.
    3. Soiled fabric nappies are rinsed and stored in an appropriate sealed, deodorised container.
  2. The official nappy changing times are:
    1. 09h00






  1. And any other time that it becomes necessary.
  1. All nappy changes are recorded on the Nappy Change Register which in turn informs the Babies Daily Notebook.
  2. Parents provide nappies, wet wipes and a good barrier cream.
  3. When the children show us that they are ready, we will consult with the parents and commence toilet training. The objective is to work with the parents, using the same toilet training routine, both at home and at the ECD centre.
  4. The ECD centre will provde 1 potty for every 5 children. Parents are welcome to bring a potty for their child’s personal use. The staff will ensure that no other child uses that potty.
  5. Waste from potties is hygenically disposed of in the toilet.
  6. Potties are hygienically sanitised afer each child has used them.
  7. Potties are not used, nor nappies changed, any near the food preparation and eating area.


Prevention of Child Abuse

  1. Our full Anti-Child Abuse and Child Protection Policy can be viewed at:
    1. ………………..
    2. ……………….


Preventing Poisoning


  1. At ABC KIDZ EDUCARE we have active measures in place to prevent poisoning. This includes handling and storage of medicines and tablets, household products, garden and mainteance products.
  2. We acknowledge at young children:
    1. Explore with their mouths;
    2. Are unable to distinguish between odours;
    3. Will swallow even bad-tasting substances;
    4. Children under four years of age are the ones most exposed to danger.
  3. Medicines are thightly conrolled in our ECD centre and are stored as detailed in this policy.
  4. Cleaning fluids are stored in their original containers and we never store potentially harmful products in soft drink bottles, containers or cups used for food or drink.
  5. Medicines are stored far away from the children and food products.
  6. Cleaning products are stored in a different location to food.
  7. Any case of poisoning is treated as urgent.
  8. Possible poisoning trouble spots that we pay attention to:
    1. Kitchen:
      1. The following are dangerous to young children: polishes, bleaching powder, detergents, ammonia, washing powder, insecticides and cleaning agents for drain-pipes.
      2. In addition, children are protected from hot food, boiling liquids and cooking fluids e.g. paraffin.
  • No chid is ever allowed in the ECD centre kitchen for any reason whatsoever.
  1. Bathroom Cupboards:
    1. The following are dangerous to young children: Medicines and tablets, prescribed medicines non-prescribed medicines that can be bought “over the counter”, e.g. Aspirin, Panado, tonics, iron tablets and home perm kits.
  2. Toilet:
    1. The following can be dangerous to young children: Disinfectants, deodorant blocks and toilet cleaners.
  3. The following items are not allowed at the ECD centre as they can be dangerous to young children:
    1. Perfumes;
    2. Nail polish remover
  • Mothballs and insect repellents in strips, sticks, aerosol cans and fluids.
  1. All batteries are dangerous to young children. Be especially careful with button-sized batteries used in calculators and digital watches.
  1. Poison out of doors:
    1. Some plants, berries and mushrooms are poisonous. The children are taught never to eat anything from the garden before asking an adult.



  1. Our medication administration and storage procedures prevent any child from accessing meds at the ECD centre.
  2. No child ever gives him/herself medicine.
  3. Medicine dosages and times are strictly adhered to.
  4. Medicine is always called “medicine”, not “sweets” or “lollies”.
  5. The staff may not take their own medications in any child’s presence. This is done privately in the kitchen or staff room.
  6. Expired medications are taken to our local pharmacy to be disposed of.
  7. Before thowing an empty medicine bottle away it is thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
  8. The children may not pay with empty (or full) medicine containers.
  9. The children are taught not to drink from bottles or cans left lying about.
  10. The lists of internal and external emergency contacts are posted up all over the ECD centre.


Pest Control

  1. (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE) uses ……………….. The premises are treated twice per annum in the months of ……….. and ……………
  2. The Pest Control Certificate can be seen in the Appendices of this policy.


Sickbay and staff area:

  1. As ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has more than to children enrolled for full day, we have the following implemented:
    1. Offices x 2
    2. A sickbay that accommodates 5 children.
    3. A separate staff area where they are able to rest and lock up their personal possessions.



  1. Smoking of all descriptions is strictly prohibited at (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE), whether inside or outdoors, regardless of whether the children are present or not.
  2. This includes: pipes, cigarettes, cigars, cigarellos, e-cigarettes, hublies, vapes and every other type of smoking apparatus.


Toilet Hygiene

  1. The toilets and basins at (ABC KIDZ EDUCARE) are correctly sized for small children.
  2. As per the National health Norms and Standards there are:
    1. 1 Toilet for every 20 children;
    2. 1 Hand washing basin for every 20 children;
  3. Toilet seats and cisterns are replaced as and when needed.
  4. The children’s toilet doors do not lock.
  5. The bathrooms and toilets are cleaned on the hour every hour.
  6. After each clean the Toilet Cleaning Control Sheet is to be signed by the member of staff who cleaned the bathroom.
  7. We have specific toilet and hand washing routines in our daily programme.
    1. The children are supervised when in the bathroom.
    2. When it’s age appropriate, they are taught how to wipe themselves.
    3. This is monitored until the practitioner feels comfortable that the child knows how to clean him/herself after using the toilet.
    4. Children go to the toilet outside of the daily programme as and when they need to. These visits to the toilet are also supervised.
    5. During the toilet routines the children are taught to:
      1. Wipe themselves (when it becomes age appropriate).
      2. Flush afterwards.
  • Wash their hands with soap and water and dry them afterwards.
  1. For infection control, staff are issued with rubber gloves. Between each wiping of a backside the staff disinfects the gloves he/she is earing with a spritz of D-Germ.
  2. Rubber gloves are not a substitute for hand washing and gfter the toilet routine the member of staff thoroughly washes his/her hands.
  3. Separate, adult-sized toilet and hand washing facilities have been provided.


Trauma and Emergencies

  1. Our full Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Evacuation Policy and all related forms can be viewed at:
    1. In the principal’s office
  2. The list of all the emergency contact number, both Internal and External are up in:
    1. The kitchen;
    2. The office;
    3. All classrooms;
    4. The entrance;
  3. The Medical Emergency file containing the Emergency Medical Forms for each member of staff and child, containing medical details and allergies, as well as medical aid details and contact numbers if kept close to the telephone in the office.


Safety Related Factors

  1. The Principal check for hazards as per the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Preventative Maintenance Checklists.
  2. Security checks are conducted daily to ensure that all the mechanisms. i.e. locks, bolts, window latches, doors, gates and fences, and/or technology devices are in good working order.


Adult Safety

  1. Staff members must assist each other when lifting and carrying heavy items. No person may do this without assistance.
  2. Staff members may not deal with aggressive parents alone. When any colleagues hear loud adult voices coming om anywhere in the ECD centre, they must run and assist (having secured the supervision of their own class first).
  3. Pregnant members of staff:
    1. May at no time lift move heavy objects around – they are to request help first.
    2. Will be accommodated to ensure that they don’t spend too much time standing on their feet.
    3. May not carry children around under any circumstances.
  4. All staff illnesses and/or accidents will be recorded in the Staff Illness/Accident Register. This form is kept in the sickbay.
  5. When the floors are being washed, ‘Caution Wet Floor’ signs must be used to warm others of the potential danger of slipping.
  6. No staff member is every allowed to be alone on the ECD centre premises during hours that the ECD centre is closed. If parents arrive late to collect their children, there must be two members of staff on duty.
  7. Management will encourage mambers of staff to exercise regularly, get sufficient sleep and eat healthily.




The children at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE are disciplined constructively.

  1. They are never be punished physically by hitting, smacking, slapping, kicking or pinching;
  2. Shouting at the children is actively discouraged;
  3. We would rather remove a privilege or distract the child from the situation;
  4. When necessary, we will appeal to the parents for assistance.



Normal Basic Labour Conditions Disciplinary and Grievance procedures are strictly adhered to, with no exceptions.


Electrical and Gas Equipment

  1. All Compliance Certificates can be seen in the appendices of this document.
  2. Lights and light bulbs are checked daily. Loght switches are carefully cleaned each week.
  3. Plugs and electrical sockets are covered by tamper proof protectors.



  1. See the Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Procedures Policy and all it’s supporting documentation.


Fire Safety

Our Fire Safety Policy can be viewed in the full Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Procedures Policy. To summarise:

  1. Certain key members of staff have received fire training.
  2. At all times there is an adult on the premises who will react effectively and fast in the event of a fire.
  3. Regular fire drills are conducted.
  4. A floor plan of the ECD centre, showing the evacuation route, is displayed in:
    1. The ECD centre entrance;
    2. The office;
    3. Every classroom;
  5. All fire equipment is checked on a monthly basis and serviced every six months by a registered fire company.
  6. When evacuating everything must be left in the classroom, take all the children, the register, cellphones, emergency whistle and knotted rope.



  1. The structure of our ECD centre is safe, weatherproof and well ventilated with lots of natural light.
  2. As per the National health Norms and Standards 1.5 m2 space per child has been allocated indoors.
  3. All furniture and equipment is safe and in good repair.
  4. Seating, working surfaces and storage facilities are available.


Nap Time

  1. The children have a nap at the ECD centre every day after lunch.
  2. The babies sleep in their cots, according to their routines.
  3. Toddlers and all the other age cohorts sleep on a mattress in their classrooms.
  4. There is continuous supervision by adults who are always present in each classroom at nap time.
  5. Children who do not actually sleep, may sit on their mattresses and do quiet activities.
  6. Children do not lie down facing each other. They sleep head-to-toe, each on their own mattress.
  7. Beds and waterproof mattresses that are safe and clean have been provided.
  8. Bedding is supplied by the ECD Centre.
  9. When the teacher or assistant walks through the classroom and the mattresses have been laid out in preparation for nap time, the member of staff is not permitted to walk on the mattresses.
  10. Mattresses, cots and linen are cleaned once a week.



  1. No child may go on an outing without a signed indemnity form.
  2. The children wear the ECD centre t-shorts, caps and windbreakers when on outings. These items have the ECD centre’s contact details printed on them.
  3. A register is taken before the children get into the mode of transport and it is taken again when we reach the venue.
  4. When on an outing the children walk two-by-two, holding hands.
  5. A teacher walks at the front of the children and another walks behind them.
  6. Heads are constantly counted during the outing.


Premises and Equipment

  1. Our buildings are clean and safe for young children.
  2. All reasonable precautions have been taken to protect children and practitioners from the risk of fire, accidents and or other hazards.
  3. The inside and outside play areas are clean and safe for young children.
  4. Each child must have enough space to move about freely, i.e. 2 m2 per child outdoor play space and 1.5 m2
  5. Our premises are disability-enabled.
  6. Our equipment and apparatus is clean, safe and developmentally age appropriate for young children from birth to 4 years old.
  7. There are sufficient equipment and resources.


Play Garden/Play Ground

  1. 2 m2 outdoor play space has been provided per child where they can run freely and have sufficient room to develop their gross motor coordination.
  2. The outdoor area is checked on a weekly and monthly basis for any irregularities or dangerous conditions.
  3. Our maintenance checklists are comprehensive and take into account the perimeter wall, ground surface, low branches, deterioration points on the jungle gyms, and a host of others.
  4. The sandpit is sanitised monthly with coarse salt and it is covered at the end of every day.
  5. Sandpit sand is replaced once per annum.
  6. There are no hard surfaces under the climbing frames.
  7. The outdoor toys are washed and disinfected every week.
  8. There are no buckets/bowls of water in the playground.
  9. The outdoor area is checked for thorns and seeds on a daily basis.
  10. Tripping hazards are checked for on a daily basis.
  11. The playground:
    1. Is surrounded by a perimeter wall/fence with a gate that is kept locked at all times.
    2. Consists of lawn/sand, sand pits, shady areas, hard surfaces and climbing apparatus.
  12. No poisonous plants are grown on the premises.



Risk Analysis

As for Emergencies, See the Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Procedures Policy and all it’s supporting documentation.


Security Measures

  1. Children may not leave the premises alone.
  2. Strangers cannot enter the premises without the knowledge of at lease one member of staff.
  3. All visitors sign the Visitors’ Log.


Entrance and Exit Gates

  1. There are separate entrance and exit gates. They are situated at:
    1. Entrance gate: ……….


  1. The gates are electronic and each parent gains access with a ……………….
  2. From Monday to Friday the gates will be open from:
    1. 06h30 to 08h00;
    2. 12h30 to 14h00;
    3. 16h30 to 18h00;
    4. People wishing to gain access outside of these hours can use the intercom.
  3. Tailgating is prohibited.
  4. There are CCTV cameras at both gates.


Access Control

  1. We are in a secure boomed off area and you will be issued with a (security device, e.g. sticker for the car’s windscreen) to enable easy access;
  2. Gates: Access into the parking lot is controlled by means of electric gates. You will be issued with a (security device, e.g. push button remote) to enable access to drop off/collect your child.
  3. Magnetic Lock: The front door to the ECD centre is secured with a magnetic lock. Parents wil be issued with a code for the keypad in order to open the gate. The code is changed (number of times) per year and parents will be notified of the change.
  4. CCTV Camera: There are (number of) CCTV cameras position at all the gates, driveway, entrances, classrooms, babies change rooms, childrens toilets and the sick room. The monitor is in the office and all activity is recorded every day.


  1. Sign-In and Sign-Out Register:
    1. The parent signs the Sign-In Register every morning. It is situated in the Breakfast Room.
    2. When the parent collects the child, he/she signs the child out on the Aftercare Register.
    3. If a parent collects the child early, before aftercare begins, the parent signs the child out on the class teacher’s register.
    4. Daily Class Register:
      1. Taken at the start of the day, by the class teacher, before first ring.
      2. Taken at the end of the ECD centre morning, after nap time, before aftercare starts.
    5. When children are collected early from the classroom before after care starts, the parents sign the child out on the teachers Daily Class Register.
  2. Aftercare Register:
    1. At the end of the ECD centre morning, the teacher adds the children who have already left into the Aftercare Register.
    2. This register is taken multiple times during the course of the afternoon, on an hourly basis, i.e. 2.00 pm, 3.00 pm, 4.00 pm, 5.00 pm.
    3. When the parent collects the child, he/she signs the child out on the Aftercare Register.
  3. Visitor’s Log:
    1. All visitors to the ECD centre sign the Visitor’s Log.
  4. Daily Food and Beverage Register:
    1. This register is filled in each time a child eats/drinks at meal or snack at the ECD centre.
    2. The information informs the Daily Notebooks.

Drop off zone

  1. A speed limit of less than 20 kms per hour must be observed when driving on the premises of ABC KIDZ EDUCARE).
  2. Staff may only park in their designated parking bays.
  3. There is a limited amount of parking for parents. There is additional (also limited) parking in the street outside the ECD centre gates.


Drop-off and Collection

  1. Children may not be dropped off in the driveway and walk into the ECD centre by themselves. They are to be brought in and taken to their classroom/breakfast room by the person who brings them to the ECD centre.
  2. If parents are in a rush at collection time they may phone the office and ask to have the child ready by a specific time and waiting in the office to be collected. The person who is fetching the child must walk into the ECD centre and sign the child out in the register.
  3. If the parent have ask an unauthorised person to collect their child, without written permission and proper identification the child will not be allowed to leave the ECD centre.



Provision has been made for the safe storage of anything that can harm children, e.g. medicines, cleaning materials and fluids and powders, cooking fluids e.g. paraffin, gas, sharp knives, kitchen utensils, and so on.


  1. Each classroom has it’s own storage facilities for stationery, toys and other educational resources.
  2. All toys and other resources are washed and disinfected each week.
  3. Broken toys often have sharp edges and points and they are removed from the classroom whenever one breaks; they are handed in at the office.



The sandpit toys, outside blocks and other outdoor eqipment is stored in the play area cupboards.


Cleaning fluids

Pesticides and all other cleaning fluids are stored under lock and key in the store room far away from the children and food.



As per the Medication section of this policy.



  1. We employ sufficient staff to ensure that the children are supervised at all times, both classrooms and in the play area.
  2. As part of each and every staff members’ supervisory tasks, they must check the classrooms and play areas every day in order to ascertain if there are any potential hazards.
  3. In the event that hazards are found, they must be written up on the Maintenance Request from which is kept in the office. The teacher indicates whether it’s urgent or not. The Principal reacts immediately and organises the required repairs.
  4. The Principal is responsible for drawing up a time-table showing when each member of staff must be on indoor/outdoor duty during play times. The duty roster is to be posted in the following areas:
    1. Entrance;
    2. The kitchen;
    3. The office;
    4. The classrooms.


Indemnity, Consent and Public Liability

  1. Our full Indemnity can be seen in the Admissions/Enrolment Contract and is completed by all parents upon registration of their child at our ECD centre.
  2. Indemnity forms are used for the following purposes:
    1. In the Enrolment Contract;
    2. Each time an outing or excursion takes place;
    3. Permission for photographs of the children to be used on social media and marketint brochures.
  3. Signed consent must be given for a child to be subjected to any medical treatment in an emergency
  5. ABC KIDZ EDUCARE has Public Liabiity insurance.


Approved Authority

  1. Parents of children enrolled in ABC KIDZ EDUCARE;
  2. Community;
  3. Teaching staff and support staff;
  4. Management team;
  5. Governing body.


Supporting Documentation and Policy Forms

Below follows a list of documents that support the implementation of this policy. Where indicated, samples of various forms have been included in the document.

  1. Accident/Incident Register.
  2. Accident/Indicent Report.
  3. Aftercare Register.
  4. Certificates and Posters, as per the appendices to this document.

Children’s Attendance Register.

  1. Daily Lesson Planner.
  2. Daily Routine.
  3. Staff Attendance Register.
  4. Emergency Medical Forms.
  5. Employment Contract and Indemnity Form, as per the Enrolment Agreement.
  6. Leave Form and Leave Tracker, as per Human Resources.
  7. Maintenance and Cleaning Checklists.
  8. Medication Administration Register.
  9. Nappy Change Register.
  10. Food and Beverage Register.
  11. Road to Health booklet or Immunisation Card for each child, as provided by the parents.
  12. Toilet Cleaning Control Sheet.
  13. Visitors’ Log.


This policy was adopted on 07 January 2020. At Braamfontein and is in full force and effect at ABC KIDZ EDUCARE. Where necessary all the parents have been informed of this policy. All our employees have a good understanding of the contents of this policy and if at any time any of the clauses in this policy are contravened, normal disciplinary sanctions, as per the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, will be taken.




























































We deliver a high-quality, play based ECD (Early Childhood Development) programme in a classroom setting that encourages learning,and provides a safe and nurturing, high quality and affordable ECD environment. We actively nurture, support, educate and encourage children in their early years which ultimately ensures that each child is able to grow and develop at their own pace. 


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